Personal: literally you and me
Genome: everything in your DNA, all information coded by the DNA sequence, this all the we want to read and understand
Gene: a working unit of the genome, many genes we understand, but most of the genes we dont understand and certainly we dont understand the complex interaction of genes
Epigene: from Greek epigignesthai – to be born after, used in geology science, formed on the earth surface, here we use it as beyond the genes, all information written in very complicated language, beyond the DNA sequence and everything after that, even social
Genetics: cool science to study the function of genes and heredity written in the sequence of DNA
Epigenetics: even cooler science to study the function of genes and heredity written above the sequence of DNA
Book: paperback for me, but hey we are in the digital age
EpiGeneBook: the digital multiple layer of the information of all our genes, epigenes and the interaction of all, the meaning of ourselvs, written by us, read by us and now it goes social
SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism, one letter of DNA sequence difference between you and me
rs762551: a typical ID for an SNP, no worry about that, it could be 10-20 maybe 30 millions discovered by now, I don’t keep them in my mind, all listed and searchable, my colleagues will comment on them
Genotype: a complete list of SNP’s in our genome, tells us what our differences are and suggest what kind of traits we might have
Phenotype: it is the result, what and who you are, manifested by your genotype
Exome: small but important portion of genome, a final edited version of the protein codes, the most we understand the exome part of the genome because we can study exome by their function
CrowdKnowledge: put everything on the internet what you know
GaiaEarth: we are all her in a self regulating complex system
Internet: GaiaEarth intelligence
Nucleotid: letters in the genome, 3 billion of them is written in your entire DNA, only 4 variations, A-T-G-C, and the real information is encoded in the sequence these nucleotides
CDC: Centers for Disease Control, they are sequencing for dead serious
DTC: Direct to Consumer genetic testing, many companies are doing it, they do it for dead serious for you and me and for the future of science and our well being
BMI: Body Mass Index, when they measure your weight, height and age, and come up with one number, the fancy BMI includes the thickness of your tummy and thighs
DNA: Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, a molecule that carries the genetic information written and encoded in the nucleotid letters and readable by its sequence, DNA molecule what you can actually take in your hand and stretch it out to more than 3 feet long (1 meter)
Sequencing: think of the English alphabet that consist of 26 letters, if you cut many small pieces of paper, write down one single letter on each paper slip, than mix them up and throw the paper pile on the table, there is no information in those letters, only if you put one letter next to the other one in order to form words and eventually sentences, so now think of the DNA letters (see nucleotides) only 4 type of them (see A-T-G-C) but 3 billion total in human genome, all lined up next to each other to form the genetic information, so the process of reading out those letters from the DNA is called sequencing, sequencing means we can read, but it does not mean we understand every word and sentence of it