In my last blog I was discussing the situation of 23andMe, the direct-to-consumer genetic testing company in California. 23andMe has a miscommunication with the FDA. As I said, 23andMe is a leading first class company of its kind, based on the futuristic advancement of genetic science. They are absolutely science based and they pursue a very important task: to deliver genetics to the people. They had some overstatement in their advertising campaign and now they are dealing with the FDA.
Health is the greatest trend now (besides that genius smart phone you are all hunched over and the weird sunglass that looks like a video recording camera). One company called Fruit Street, based in San Francisco, is undertaking the enormous task of delivering health to the people.
I am a next generation sequencing scientist who believes in personal genomics because my genome is my life and your genome is your life and we all want to learn about our genome. We all want to take the driver’ seat in our life, we want to make our destiny. Fruit Street goes all the way to that end. The company guides you through this process of managing your life, from genetics to the every day tasks of your healthy lifestyle. From how much and what you want to eat, to your overall fitness level. All of this is achieved through comprehensive health advice based on important advances in the medical sciences. Fruit Street is the most futuristic science-based healthcare company around. I say “health”-care on purpose, and not “sick”-care because they deliver health information that intends to preempt getting sick.
Let me give you some perspective on how we go from genes to health. I am working right now on a project to find out how the proteins around the DNA act. We reached the point of the post genomic era in research that allows us to start to understand that DNA sequence is not everything. Yes, it has the codes of our lives, but there is a diverse array of proteins around the DNA that proteins manage to decode the DNA sequence. First, these proteins help to maintain the structure of DNA. You might have heard that your DNA in one of your cells, if you pull it out, it is 2 meters (6 feet) long. So how does it fit in one single tiny cell? The answer is that 2 meter long DNA molecule is folded into chromosomes, very dense structures of DNA, and the working horse histone proteins of your cell do this job. Second, this dense chromosome is only for storage of your DNA, if you want to know how your DNA sequence is read, you need to open this DNA chromosome. But again, remember, if you open all of the chromosome DNA , it will not fit in the cell, not to say into the tiny nucleus, so you need to open it only at the location where you want to read it. There are lots of proteins like transcription factors, enhancers and inhibitors to do this job in a very complex way.
You need to know your DNA, sequence it if you have more money, or just do the 23andMe test for your statistical odds for certain traits or maybe disease susceptibility. However, what is written in your DNA sequence and what is realized in your life is more complicated than just a simple code deciphering. Geneticists, doctors and all health professionals know that whatever you do, whatever you eat, even whatever you feel has effect on those proteins that manipulate your DNA. You are right, it is the environment, that has the effect on your gene expression, and who is the most important in your environment? That is you.
Our First Lady Michelle performed a rap song that holds relevance here. She sang about “Fruit Street” and preventing all of us from suffering all those systemic chronic diseases by eating healthy. Free celebrity endorsement? Thank you First Lady Michelle! What you are saying is absolutely true (maybe some singing lessons from Eminem would help, ha-ha) but we got your message and we are supporting it with all the achievements of science and technology, genetics and advanced wearable electronic health tracking devices, doctors, nurses and dietitians behind the telephone if you want to call. Fruit Street is the scientific support behind your preventive health and the coolest thing is that you can download this information to your phone. If you really want more, then you got it, this is also the forum to talk about your health. Open your chat window, generate groups of you fitness bodies, share your fitness results and if you really feel good, post your statement and a photo of you so we all can watch your progress. Or if you don’t feel well, and just need a support group, your circle of friend are here to help you. Stay healthy and stay connected.
Tibor Gyuris
Personal Genomics Blogger
2014. April 18
“Knowledge is always good and certainly always better than ignorance”–Sergey Brin
“Possideo genes ergo sum”—Anonymous Roman Philosopher
….more to come….